Prizes and memorable exclusive gifts - custom work
Production of prizes and memorable exclusive gifts requires special attention on either side; such work does not tolerate haste. The extent of responsibility to which the project and design layout are prepared affects the final result. Therefore, never put off till tomorrow what can be done today...
To place an order or receive the price estimate or consultation, you just need to send a request in any way that is convenient for you. Please send the available information, and the rest is our concern.
To get faster results, we recommend sending sources in vector formats ― Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, PDF.
If you have no design, do not worry, we will help you with it.
Irrespective of whether you need to reproduce the existing product or create something completely new and exclusive, you will receive individual attention and inexhaustible creativity from our designers.
Based on your individual requirements, we will work hard to find the best solution for you. The main thing is to achieve the goal set. We will select the correct colours and final processing techniques, as well as agree on the final design so that you will not have to leave your office.
Are you pressed for time?! Just tell us. Our speed will surprise you. We can produce a simple prize of metal, stone or glass within 10 business days. Design and manufacture of more exclusive works ― figurines or cups under sketches ― require more time. Production time primarily depends on the complexity of the item, quantity, and production load as of the order placement.
We try to perform any order, complex or simple, in the best quality and in due time. Producing customized prizes, figurines, cups, and memorable souvenirs are what we do on a regular basis and have an extensive experience in.