Electroplating - plating with gold, silver, nickel, copper ...

Those who are not familiar with our production, electroplating your site we develop, nurture and support since 2001, and this, not much nor less than 16 years! And if you need advice, you certainly can handle it for us. Now, in the case :)


Available services galvanic coatings of metals such as:

aluminum, steel, stainless steel, products made of brass, bronze and copper.

покрытие золотом,золочение


  • 999-sample corresponds to 24 carats
  • resistant to isteraniyu by adding cobalt
  • coating thickness of 0.1 to 1 mm
  • max. detail size 400 x 220 x 100 mm

the cost of covering 135 UAH. per sq. decimeter


покрытие розовым золотом


  • Corresponds to the sample - 999
  • resistant to isteraniyu by adding cobalt
  • coating thickness of 0.1 to 1 mm
  • max. detail size 400 x 220 x 100 mm

cover the cost of 150 UAH per sqr. decimeter


покрытие никелем, никелирование


Available in several versions:

  • Matte Nickel (35 UAH sqr. decimeter)
  • Shiny nickel (35 UAH sqr. decimeter)
  • Black Nickel (40 UAH sqr. decimeter)
  • A silver coating (40 UAH sqr. decimeter)


покрытие медью, меднение


  • By default, the coating thickness of 6 micrommeters.
  • if necessary, can be increased to 1-1.5 mm.
  • that allows you to hide the metal-pore defects, microcracks.
  • max. detail size 600 x 350 x 100 mm

the cost of covering 35 UAH per sq. decimeter


For products manufactured by casting, coating copper practiced as a pretreatment before coating of gold, silver, chromium, and so on. In addition to galvanic coatings, possible artistic refinement of the details by applying a patina metal acceleration of the aging process. All these details are agreed upon ordering.




гальваническое покрытие сфер, металлических шариков


Not to mention - we know how, and are able to cover the spherical parts, metal balls such as small accessories without the possibility of suspension, in large quantities and in no time! We have a lot of different secrets that we can surprise, places an order with us and we will tell you how we do it :)



Igor Malenko - for placing orders

+38 (067) 40 888 26